Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Eat Your Heart Out

I hearby proclaim, to all that read and comprehend, that my husband, Bernard C. Shuford, is, without a doubt, and beyond any argument, the most giving, thoughtful, awesome husband on the face of this earth.

To the ladies, you have my sympathy and condolences. I have THE MAN.

To the gentlemen, too bad/so sad. You may be cool, but nards656 has you BEAT!

Tonight, my dear husband drove out at 9:45 PM to go to the gas station and buy chocolate ice cream, just because I wanted some, and we didn't have any.

Ain't that special?

And no, I am NOT pregnant.


Tony said...

I see your Breyer's in the early spring when it ain't even that warm out and I raise you one pound of boiled peanuts in the dead of winter. AND she was pregnant.

So there.

Bernard, no comments from the peanut gallery (pun intended).

Karma Shuford said...

Boiled peanuts??? You must be from the upstate or something.

Bernard Shuford said...

Y'all crack me up.