Sunday, June 22, 2008

With This Ring. . .

I do not advertise myself as a wedding photographer.

For that matter, I do not advertise myself as any kind of photographer.

I simply do not advertise.

Still, I manage to do a couple of weddings a year. Enough to make small steps towards improvement, but not enough to really claim to be a wedding photographer. And I don't want to be, really.

Give me some kids, playing ball, and I will get you some good shots. Let me shoot a wedding, and I will get some good shots.

The difference is on the ball field, I KNOW what I am going to do to get the shot. At the wedding chapel, I still rely on lucky timing more than anything. (and post processing)

These are some shots from the most recent wedding that I did, that I like.

And my favorite so far --

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