Thursday, June 29, 2006

June 28

I decided to see how many different crops I could get out of three or four similar pictures

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

June 25

oops -- got out of order again, this is June 25

June 27


June 26

With or Without Lead?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

June 24

The Rainbow -- Promises Kept

Today, I attended a memorial service for a High School Classmate of mine who recently passed away. (He was only 35)

As we were driving back to Asheville to get the kids, this rainbow was in front of us most of the way. I wanted my picture today (the rainbow) to be a *photographic memorial* to him, but the picture isn't exactly earthshattering quality, now is it?


BUT -- I have always loved rainbows. In Genesis, there is an account of a worldwide flood. At the end, the rainbow is God's reminder to Noah that it will never happen that way again. So, when I see a rainbow, I am reminded that God keeps His promises, even when things aren't going the way I want them to.

As we saw the rainbow, Ray Boltz's song "The Anchor Holds" was playing.

The Anchor Holds (recorded by Ray Boltz)

i have journeyed
through the long dark night
out on the open sea
by faith alone
sight unknown
and yet his eyes were watching me

the anchor holds
though the ship is battered
the anchor holds
though the sails are torn
i have fallen on my knees
as i faced the raging seas
the anchor holds
in spite of the storm

i've had visions
i've had dreams
i've even held them in my hand
but i never knew
they would slip right through
like they were only grains of sand


i have been young
but i am older now
and there has been beauty these eyes have seen
but it was in the night
through the storms of my life
ohh thats where God proved his love to me

So, what does the memorial service, the rainbow, and Ray Boltz have in common. Absolutely nothing, but God used them today to show me something.

Perhaps I should start at the beginning. (This could get long, so go get your popcorn).

I went to school with Erik Steffen from 7th grade until we graduated in 1989. We were friends. That is I knew him, and he knew me. We didn't run in the same circles, but there was always a mutual respect between us. I remember him always being rather quiet, but ready to have a good joke, probably a bit more mature than the rest of us, even though his eyes were ALWAYS laughing. He wasn't perfect, I'm sure, but if I had to come up with one word to describe him, it would have to be dignity. and fun. (okay, that's two, but so be it).

After graduation, our lives went completely different routes. I ran into him and another friend several years later, and found out that he was a missionary with Campus Crusade for Christ. Whoa. That totally blew my mind. Thrilled my heart (I was/am a Christian), but blew my mind. After that, different directions again.

Then, my little sister started hanging around with this guy named Martin. Martin Steffen, Erik's younger brother. So, even though we didn't talk, see, or even acknowledge each other (he was in Indy, me in NC) there was a commonality now.

Around Christmas 2004, Erik went to the hospital with intense headaches. Brain cancer. They operated, wasn't sure of the prognosis, and he was given a year or so. According to him, his goal was to live 40 in that one.

About a year later, he started having some more trouble. According to my little sister, they found cancer cells in his spinal fluid. Not good. Time progressed, so did his cancer. On June 3, 2006, Erik went to live with his Savior, Jesus Christ.

It is always strange when someone you have known since childhood dies. Like all of a sudden, history is different, because when you look through the yearbooks, that picture of the deceased is almost gone. If we had known in 1989 that Anthony, Erik, Chris, and Drew (all classmates from my class or the year after that have died in the past 3 years) wouldn't see 40, what would we have said differently? What would we have written in their yearbooks?

So, Erik is gone. In high school, he was voted MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED. I daresay that was one superlative we nailed perfectly. He did succeed. He was so smart, savvy, and personable, I honestly think he could have attained any degree or measurement of success that he strove for. But, he had one goal. To love people for Jesus Christ. In just minutes of talking to his wife, Kelly, his family, or those who served with him, it was undeniable. His life was cut short, but reading memorials to him, his influence lives on.

His anchor held, even in the throes of brain cancer. His anchor held, even when all hope was gone and the storms battle and raged around him. His anchor is still holding. For his wife, his sons, his family, his friends.

God promises to never leave us or forsake us. God keeps his promises.

Read the last few months of his journey, and the testimony to his life at

Saturday, June 24, 2006

June 23

Fish Don't Pose

Earlier in the week, I introduced you to "Spongebob." Well, since his "daddy" is a 4 yo, that name got changed. This is now "Chopper," named after a dolphin in a $1 marine documentary DVD I bought last night.

Friday, June 23, 2006

June 22

He's OUT!

June 21

Another slow day

June 20

When a 16 month old eats an apple

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

June 19


My nephew Sawyer at his All Star game today.

This gets me caught up, I think. Until tomorrow. :)

Monday, June 19, 2006

June 18


June 17

The Throw

The Kick

June 16

On the Road

June 18


Okay, I have pictures for the past three days, but haven't had a chance to upload them. :( Little Man is still sick and is asleep in the recliner tonight.

Friday, June 16, 2006

June 15

Okay, I missed today. :(

I was sick all day. Came home from a meeting, figured I would get the kids asleep, take my picture and go to bed.

Nope. Kid one gets sick, wakes up kid two. I think it was after 1:30 am before we all finally got settled in for the night. No picture for today. :()

Maybe I'll take two on Friday to make up for it. :)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

June 14

Spongebob the Fish

My son's newest pet. Living in a gladware bowl right now. As we were walking out of WalMart, the container holding spongebob fell and busted. ouchie. We had a gallon of distilled water we had just bought, so spongebob went in there for the trip home. This mornign (the next day) he seems okay.

June 13

Indulge Yourself

Indulgence outtake from dpc.

Scoring really well over there. Can't complain at all. :)

June 12

Conception of an Idea

A red gumball sitting on a magnifying glass behind a clear light bulb. Tried to get rid of as much of the lightbulb, etc. as possible using dpc's "basic editing" rules.

Monday, June 12, 2006

June 11

Reshoot from yesterday

Got much closer to what I wanted to day. Even ended up with one I am happy with.

Now if I could figure out what the heck is going on with my camera. The crazy thing just doesn't want to focus . . .

Sunday, June 11, 2006

June 10

Somedays you get lucky, somedays you don't.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

June 9

Two pictures today. The one of Kristi was my original PaD, today, but then my sister came down with her daughter and on the porch was a pink and yellow moth. Of course we had to catch it and get it to pose for me. It was not harmed during the process. Of course, we do not know where it is now, because it flew to a light and we don't know which one. Of course, now would have been the good time for a "pink" or bug challenge at dpc, but such is life!


Afternoon sun

Friday, June 09, 2006

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

June 5

Class of 86

So, I spend all week working with those crazy straws. Never do get it like I want it, then, in the last hour, go with something else. bah.

Monday, June 05, 2006

June 4

I'm about sick of these straws :()

The story. Currently, on dpc, there is a challenge where we are required (if we choose to enter) one of our former shots and "better" it. I choose mine, and have shot all week "improving" it. Now, I'm just sick of the straws, and am browsing through other entries to find something else.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

June 3

Round and Round

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Thursday, June 01, 2006

June 1

Get to the Point

Yeah!!! Another month.

May 31

Tie the Knot

Another month down!! Some days have proven difficult, but for the most part I am enjoying this.

Don't know if the PaD project is responsible, but last year (2005), I entered 44 challenges at I score over a 6 in 5 or 6 of them. So far this year, I have entered 32 challenges, and have scored over a 6 in 5 or 6 of them. I am taking more pictures, so maybe some of them are getting better.

May 30

Another Rose