Sunday, April 23, 2006

April 23, 2006

Forced Entry

This is my "Window Framed" dpc outtatke. I entered the more cryptic one of my two shots (nothing similar to this), that I liked better, and I am willing to bet money I put in the wrong one.

Story behind this -- this is one of the first windows my son broke by throwing something. It is my mom's house (which is like 40 some odd years old, and these were the original window panes -- yes, they need cleaning and painting). She has these little round pebbles in her sidewalk area, and he thought he would throw one. He was three at the time.

We explained to him how he was NOT supposed to do that, but I think the sound of breaking glass was too much of a draw for him because a few days later he took a rock from the driveway and busted a window in an old mobile home next to our house. That wasn't that big of a deal, because I would like to take a boulder to the mobile home and get rid of it, but it was something we saw developing that fortunately stopped before anything else was destroyed. Now, he just whacks the snot out of golf balls. :)

Hard to choose a picture for today. I was doing some experiments with my camera trying to figure out what I was doing wrong to cause all my shots to be out of focus (it IS called autofocus for a reason, ya know), so I have like 8 or 10 totally different subjects. I'm just too lazy to post process them. . .

And I think I have figured out what I was doing. With my 707, I could focus on one part of the subject then move to recompose and shoot. Once the focus was locked, you could move it whatever. With the rebel, however, I have discovered that if I move it too soon, it re-focuses for me. So, I focus, let it "lock" in, move and shoot. Of course, then I realized (with hubby's help), I could just choose a different focus point thingy on the camera. duh. And so my edu-ma-cation continues.

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