Sunday, February 25, 2007

February 25

Animals in the sky. These were all taken within about 5 minutes. The first looked like an elephant to me, the second one looked like a porpoise/dolphin and the last one looked like an alligator (I helped you a little on it).

February 23 and 24

The picture for the 22nd is on my desktop. Maybe I can get to it tomorrow.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

February 15 - 18

Aaartgghh. We've been having 'puter problems, so when I've been on the laptop, the pictures i needed to upload were on the desktop and so forth. I think I've probably gotten what I need where, now. At least through the 18th. I haven't processed the pictures from yesterday, yet, and I haven't taken them for today. :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

February 14

February 13

February 12

February 9 thru 13

sorry to upload so many at one time. we had some Internet issues over the weekend and I got a bit behind . . .

Friday, February 09, 2007

January 7 and 8

Yesterday's picture -- Blue Ridge Papermill in the morning light (not a sight I see often, quite frankly) and

Today's picture -- BRPm at night.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

February 6

We will take our Christmas tree down.


February 5

Monday, February 05, 2007

February 1, 2, 3, 4

Sorry to do all 4 days at once, but while blogger was working for me, i wanted to get it finished.

The two pictures of "landscapes" are both part of my "Where I Live" project. I am trying to take a picture from where I live for 30 days. January 31's entry is also from that project. Faye (I think), you mentioned breathing that stuff. I am not naive to think that they are 100% clean, and even they don't claim that, but the "smoke" you see is mostly steam. It seems to be that the more steam being produced the better the smell. This evening, there was realtively little smoke/steam, and what there was was a bit darker, but the smell was very typical of paper mills.

The other two pictures are those little conversation heart candies. I love those things.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

January 31

And, now I am caught up, and January is over (so is my bad mood, btw).

January 30

This image has been from a 3.0000 to a 5.59 back down to a 5.09. Ugh. I kinda like it myself.


January 29

One of my nieces horses.

January 28

Originally shot for the "minimalism" challenge, but had to do a few too many steps to edit it to get it to look like I wanted.

January 27

This little guy is the cutest thing. Almost every other picture I have of him is him lying in the floor watching the game that he is supposed to be playing in. :)


January 26

Jumpball . ..Get It, Get It