I can be a bit random. And, sometimes the writing bug hits. When it does, it goes here, on this blog.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
July 8
July 7
Friday, July 06, 2007
July 4
Almost every year Bernard and I go to a Southern Gospel singing near here. It is sponsored by the Primitive Quartet and will feature four or five groups. I'm not a huge fan of SG music. I like it, just don't love it. This event is good, though. There is some good music, and they have the absolutely BEST BBQ on the face of this earth. Afterwards, they have a fireworks show that is pretty impressive.
When It All Explodes
July 4 was devoid of its usual sense of celebration for me. (That is my excuse for ALL of my fireworks shots being blurry). I found out exactly what one of my husband's family members thinks of me, and it is not even remotely positive. I think I could say that I am "tolerated" at best. :(
It lead me to think about the whole "How can you truly love someone if you do not like the things they do?" dilemma Christians face. As Christians, we are called to love everyone, and show that love, even when we don't approve of their "lifestyle" "beliefs" or even "actions." Actually, approval is irrelevant. Christ doesn't approve of ANY of my sins, yet He loves me unconditionally.
Unconditional love -- That is a biggie, I've discovered. Being loved by someone who "just" loves you regardless of the situation is one of the greatest gifts that can be given. The most natural manifestation is probably the love between a mother and child, or at least it should be. I love my kids, and it doesn't matter if they show me that they love me back or not. Even when they are "bad," I still love them, and will no matter what. There may be times of disappointment, but I will always love them.
Through this, I was, for the first time that I know of, on the receiving end of conditional love and not being accepted just as I was (well, by someone "important." Ex-boyfriends don't count
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
July 2
My keyboard.
My dust.
It doesn't look that dirty until you take a picture of it, you know?
Profound thought --
For those of us trying to walk a Christian walk, how many of our lives are like that. Upon first glance, they are "okay." BUT, take a closer look (or really compare yourself to Jesus), and where do you come up?
Compared to other "people" I am okay. I don't do what most of society deems "bad" stuff. I love my family, I'm faithful to my husband, I try to treat others as Jesus would, heck, I've never even had a speeding ticket. (Tomorrow's entry will probably be a picture of the ticket I get). But when I look at the righteousness of Jesus, I cringe at how dirty I am.
People complain about Christians and the stuff done in the name of Christianity, and sometimes I cringe because they are right. BUT, I daresay anyone would be hard-pressed to say those things about Jesus. Just because it is done in His name, doesn't mean it is done for Him. How much better the world would be, and how much stronger the church would be if we would let HIM be our measuring stick and if we would compare ourselves to HIM rather than eachother.
Peace, and Love.
Monday, July 02, 2007
July 1
Okay, so after what *looks* like a 6-week break, I'm back. Both this blog and my "Beyond the Color" blog are caught up. Whooohooo. I had the pictures, I just hadn't posted them. :(
Anyway. First day of July features a picture of the two cutest kids in the whole universe. (Funny story. Since her birth, we have called Kristi "Princess Kristiana." The other night, my younger sister taught her how to do the "princess wave." The Queen would be proud.)
Sunday, July 01, 2007
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