Tuesday, July 03, 2007

July 2

My keyboard.
My dust.

It doesn't look that dirty until you take a picture of it, you know?

Profound thought --

For those of us trying to walk a Christian walk, how many of our lives are like that. Upon first glance, they are "okay." BUT, take a closer look (or really compare yourself to Jesus), and where do you come up?

Compared to other "people" I am okay. I don't do what most of society deems "bad" stuff. I love my family, I'm faithful to my husband, I try to treat others as Jesus would, heck, I've never even had a speeding ticket. (Tomorrow's entry will probably be a picture of the ticket I get). But when I look at the righteousness of Jesus, I cringe at how dirty I am.

People complain about Christians and the stuff done in the name of Christianity, and sometimes I cringe because they are right. BUT, I daresay anyone would be hard-pressed to say those things about Jesus. Just because it is done in His name, doesn't mean it is done for Him. How much better the world would be, and how much stronger the church would be if we would let HIM be our measuring stick and if we would compare ourselves to HIM rather than eachother.

Peace, and Love.

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