Friday, March 27, 2009

Jus' Wondering

If you profess to be a Christian, and virtually everyone around you (both Christian, and especially non) uses words like "obstinate," "ridiculous," "obnoxious," "rude," "overbearing," "intolerant," and "stubborn," to describe your existence and interaction with people, is there a problem?

If so, should they change, or should you?


Tony said...

You are known by the fruit you bear and those sure don't look like the fruit of the Spirit to me. My estimation is that the one being accused should change...

My word verification is "ressel." Fitting, huh?

Karma Shuford said...

As in, "Yer gonna re-lize the truth and change yer ways if'n I have to ressel it a-out o' ya."

Bernard Shuford said...

I'm working on it, okay?...


Karma Shuford said...

:) You're excused for now -- you're under the influence. :P

Tony said...

I figgered you were talking about Bernard, but I didn't want to assume. You know what that does. :-D

My word verification: fistair. Sounds like a blood disease.