Monday, March 02, 2009

What a Difference a Day Makes

There have been times in my life where I was so down and discouraged that it was all I could do to say, "God, I can't do this anymore. Help me, please." That was the prayer. Nothing fancy, eloquent, or even very specific.

I was reminded of this during yesterday's sermon. I don't remember exactly what Mark said, but what I heard (that should encourage all you preacher types) was, "You may have been discouraged, and asked God to help you. He will help you."

And I realized something. I prayed this prayer just a few days ago. I don't feel like that now. I cannot identify the exact moment it lifted, it just did. I believe that was God.

Our recent snow further illustrated this for me. When we got home from church yesterday (finally), this is what it looked like off of our front porch --

(this is in color, btw)
Gray, bleak, stormy looking.

Approximately 18 hours later, this was my view--

Give God time to make the gray skies blue.

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