Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, NINAW

Tuesday (tomorrow) is my mom's birthday. To celebrate, because our family is always looking for an excuse to go eat, we went to the Grizzly Grill at Smoky Falls Lodge -- Kasey's newest place of employment.

It was a small group, of course. My mom, her brothers Johnny/Clint (some people call him Johnny, others call him Clint -- don't ask me, I don't know), Claude, her sister "Gert," Gert's son, wife, two kids, my brother, his wife, 4 boys, my sister, her husband, two kids, Kasey, (boyfriend) Martin, my husband, two kids and myself. All in a restaurant. All together. Actually, they put us at 4 or 5 tables...

But, I digress.

So, my mom has a birthday. I could wax eloquent with mushy stuff, but anyone that knows my mom knows that doesn't fit. I stopped buying her mother's day cards years ago, because they were all sentimental and mom isn't. Mother's are generally associated with pretty flowers, softness, gentleness, etc. etc. etc.

My mom is more like brick walls and scrapping your way to the top. :)

But, we love her and we know that she loves us.

Ninaw (with the princess tiara) and her sister, Geraldine ("Gert")

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