Monday, March 06, 2006

March 6, 2006

Bianca from Disney's "The Rescuers"

When I was little, I used to have a bunch of 78s (for those young ones, those are the little records) that read a story to you. When you heard Tinkerbell ring her bell, you turned the page. One of my favorites was from "The Rescuers." The two rescuers were mice named Bianca and Bernard (or as Bianca would say, "Bahnahd, dahling.")

This is a Happy Meal toy from a couple of years back.

Not a high art picture, I understand, but I was wanting something new for my profile picture. Since I am married to Bahnahd, I figured I could portray myself as Bianca. ;)


Anonymous said...

Nice shot, my dearest Biahncah :)

Anonymous said...

Too funny!