Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow. Finally.


Bill (cycleguy) said...

Glad it is you not us. We have had our share of bitter cold though. Maybe the snow would be better... :)

Tony said...

Great pics! Love the one of Trav snowboarding.

Our snow isn't worth playing in. It must have been a bit better quality than the snow that fell in our neck of the woods. It was so powdery you couldn't make a decent snowball so the kids just threw there hands up and we went back inside. What's the point if you can't make a good snowball?Besides, half an inch isn't much to play in.

And cool; my word verification is "malgical." Almost "magical."

Bernard Shuford said...

It was pretty powdery here, as well, we just had a little more so we could pack it down and make an ice ramp to board on.

Said boarding about killed me; then I got a stomach bug last night and the aches and pains from that are downright rough.

I'll quit whining now. There's still about an inch and a half on the back porch... It's probably pretty good for snowballs by now!

Karma Shuford said...

@ Bill -- If it is going to be cold, I want it to snow.

@Tony -- Canton looks A LOT different from Waynesville (or it did a couple of hours ago), and I understand Balsam and Fines Creek are downright nasty. As it warms up, the snowballs will get better. :) It was just too freakin' cold yesterday.

@Bernard -- It's either a bug or I gave you food poisoning. . . .Hope you are feeling better