I can be a bit random. And, sometimes the writing bug hits. When it does, it goes here, on this blog.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Thankfulness -- Day 2
Sometimes, it is the difficult moments in life that bring us to our knees and help us to realize what we've got, and what we've not.
Before 1999, I loved my family. After 1999, I realized that I probably wouldn't make it without them.
When my dad had a massive heart attack and ended up in a semi-comatose/chronic vegetative state, Mom wanted to bring him home and take care of him instead of letting him go to a nursing home.
In the next 2 and a half years, we had to make the conscious decision to get along and work together. I learned that when you *decide* to do that, doing it becomes a lot easier.
So, today, I am thankful for my brothers and sisters.
Kevin -- My big brother. Admittedly, there were times in my life where I could only wonder "what ARE you doing?" but as far back as I can remember, he was always the best big brother ever. Well, except for when he did those airplane spins, and flipped his eyelids inside out and chased me through the house. After Daddy got sick, he kinda became the head of our family. To this day, he is the one that will listen to gripe, complain, scream and complain, then look at me and say, "It's okay. It will all work out, now calm down." He's probably the ONLY person that can tell me to calm down without getting his head knocked off.
Jenny -- Not my sister by birth, but the absolutely coolest sister-in-law anyone could ever want. Jenny brings an element of sweetness and kindness into our family that none of us have.
Kelly -- My big sister. Growing up, my tormentor and guardian all rolled into one. She picked on me, ignored me, and forbid me to go into her room, but let someone else say something to me, and she was all over them. As adults, we aggravate her about being a control freak, but if you EVER want to see a nice spread, go to her house for dinner sometime. I wish I could be half the hostess she is. Kelly always comes through when you need her to.
Stevie -- Not my brother, but he's been around since I was young, so he's just kinda always been there. He doesn't say much, and he has many hidden talents. He can build about anything for you no matter how odd, and he will do it without grumbling or complaining. Like Jenny, not really my brother, but he is my brother.
Kasey -- the baby of the family and the target of more jokes and pranks than I can even begin to remember. She probably should have a post of her own. Actually, I could probably do a whole blog on "Things we've done to Kasey" and not run out of material for a long time. She is the emotion of the family, and the one that will make sure we are all getting along, even if it means uniting us by laughing at her. I read something the other day about best friends, and when I think of my best friends, I always include Kasey because despite our age difference, she really is one of my best friends.
Martin -- The newest addition to our family. So much like my husband, it is frightening sometimes, but that is okay. I'm thankful for Martin because he grounded my little sister and helped her to grow up. Heck, any man that can marry Kasey is bound to have resolve, patience, and character that runs deep. :P Like Jenny and Stevie, not my brother by birth, but my brother none the less.
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