Monday, November 07, 2011

Thankfulness - Day 7

Today, I am thankful I am a parent. Not only because I love my kids dearly, but because they have taught me so much about the Heavenly Father and His love for me.

When I looked at and held Travis for the first time, I was overwhelmed at how much I loved him, and how suddenly he had a grip on my heart.

Three years later, when I looked at Kristiana the first time, I had that same feeling and was in awe at how I really could love two as much as I loved one.

And to think, God feels the same way about me. . . .

As my children grew and developed, my sense of pride in their accomplishments was unparalleled. I rejoiced in each new step, and at the same time enjoyed encouraging them to do the best they could be.

And to think, God feels the same way about me. . .

There are times when I watch them sleep at night, peaceful and still, and I think of their future and what I hope and dream for them, and my heart fills once again with the love and thankfulness that they are in my life.

And to think, God feels the same way about me. . .

There are those moments (that are becoming more rare as my kids become older) when they come and climb up in my lap and say, "I love you Mama; you are the best in the world," that make me all warm and fuzzy inside and at those moments, I know I would do absolutely ANYTHING to make my children's worlds right.

And to think, God feels the same way about me. . .

When something happens that is out of their control and they are upset or sad, I feel upset and sad. I want to take them in my arms and make them feel okay again. If someone hurts them, I feel that hurt. If something makes them mad, I get mad. When they are disappointed or let down, I feel disappointed or let down. I, literally it seems, feel their pain.

And to think, God feels the same way about me. . .

Then there are those times when the kids know my last button and are jumping up and down on it pushing me past *that* point. I put aside my "mother" face and in its place grows frenzied hair, red eyes, smoky ears, jagged teeth and I lose each and every one of the fruits of the spirit that just moments before I may have possessed. I don't want to deal with them patiently, or in love, or with humility or meekness, I just want to explode on them and open a can.

And to think, that is NOT how God feels about me. . .

And therein, I am thankful for my kids, and even when we have days like today, they can show me the Heavenly Father's love for me.

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