Wednesday, May 07, 2008


The other day I saw a cartoon on the Internet. It was a man sitting at his computer, typing furiously and his wife (obviously ready for bed) was standing behind him with a "oh good grief" expression, and he was saying, "Not right now, Honey, I can't. Someone is WRONG on the Internet."

It would be funny if it weren't true, and hit a bit close to home.

Truth is, I can't seem to walk (or click) away from someone I see as "wrong." It used to be the atheist, the agnostic, the homosexual that I got "engaged" with. That is no longer true. It's not that I agree with them. Actually, we decided to agree to disagree and are "friends."

No, it seems to be Christians that I 'engage' with now.

On one forum it is a self-appointed fire and brimstone preacher. Now, I believe in a literal, burning, eternal hell. He, though, seems to have a mantra of "scare them out of hell" and "preaches on this one forum regularly.

Once, I made the statement that I would rather love them into heaven, and that I felt scare-based conversions often lead to false conversions because they never really accepted Christ as their Savior and Lord. He told me that my "love them into hell" philosophy was, well, "weak," but to be accepted from Christians who have essentially sold out to the world.

I have come to realize, though, WHY, I find him so obnoxious and wrong.

He is now, where I used to be in college.

I was a terribly obnoxious Christian. When I look back, all I can do is pray fervently that God will work despite the things I did, and that He will forgive me.

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