Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I'm in DC

So, here I post in DC.

There is something special about this place. Yea, it is probably the highest concentration of corruption in any one place on Earth, but still.. . .

Flying in, I could see the Washington Memorial from the plane. In front of that the Jefferson Memorial. I caught a glimpse of the Capital Building.

And we drove by what I suspect was the pentagon. THAT was a bit overwhelming.

Despite what your personal political feelings or leanings may be, it just awes me to be in the presence of history.

The top picture is the sunset out my motel window. This one is across the road out of my motel window. :)


Bernard Shuford said...

Yaaay!!! Picshurs!

Karma Shuford said...

yep, and hopefully more to come!