Thursday, June 05, 2008


I believe it is important to have dreams. Fortunately, I've always been something of a dreamer, so it is a good philosophy to have. :)

I became a beauty consultant for Mary Kay a little over 5 years ago. Though I am virtually "out of it" now, I did learn a lot -- about myself, the business world, and how to make things happen.

See, my director (or upline as it is called in other companies) taught us to dream big, and then make those dreams come true. As a result, I tend to think that if I can think it up, I can find a way to make it happen...

I realized the other day that I am not "working on" any of my dreams right now. Ouch. The bigger "ouch" was that I didn't have any dreams. I didn't like that.

So, I asked myself, "Self, what do you want to do that is big?"

And I answered:

* Get Kristi potty trained. Seriously. I just spent $17 on diapers. I'm dreaming.
* Get my stock portfolio built up enough that I can pay for a 40D and some nice L glass to go with it.
* Take pictures that make people think, "This just changed my life."
* Get a photo "coffee table" book published.

The first two, I have some idea how to do. The second two -- NO IDEA.

But here goes.

And here's to dreamin!

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