Tuesday, June 17, 2008


A rather profound thought occurred to me today.

In most situations, my success comes at someone else's failure.

If I "get" a family portrait shoot, that means that another photographer didn't.

If I win an award for a picture, that means someone else lost.

How awesome, I realize, that I finally have a reason to be mediocre. By not succeeding, I can help other people arrive at their dreams. I really do not want to be the reason for someone's failure. There's probably something in the Bible about that.

To further illustrate my point, picture.

Which boy was successful? A missed pass is often considered a "failure." BUT, by missing the pass, Travis (on the left), allowed Chase (on the right) to successfully block it.

1 comment:

Karma Shuford said...

sarcasm, tongue in cheek, etc. just in case it wasn't obvious