Friday, August 22, 2008

Isn't it Ironic?

No, this isn't a plug for Alanis Morrisette's video.

Bernard sent me a link to this earlier and told me to pay attention to the image at 1:06.

That exact image can be found HERE

Joey Lawrence is quickly becoming a world renowned photographer, and he is a whooping 19 years old.

He is also Canadian.

As is the homeless guy in the picture.

So, the movie producers couldn't find any homeless Americans to make their point?

To me, this makes the film lose a bit of credibility. It is an awesome shot that portrays a lot. But, in the context of the trailer, you are left with the assumption that it is a homeless guy in America, and that just isn't the case.

Honestly, it leads me wonder what else in the film may be staged or "out of context," to help make their point.

I commented on Steve or Bill's (Cycleguy) blog the other day that all photography lies. I just didn't think I would find an example this quickly. ;)


M. Steve Heartsill said...

The voice over person says that we are borrowing money hand over fist from other countries...

Haven't we been loaning other countries money for years?

Isn't it time they pay us back?

Karma Shuford said...

If Germany had paid us back what they owed us from WWI (that is a ONE), they would have made the last payment in 2005.

Yea, I'd be interested to know how much money is owed to us by the likes of China, et al.

Bill (cycleguy) said...

Methinks this will be another anti-American propaganda piece. Maybe we ought to play the thug and demand repayment? Problem is: given some stands of our political people we won't have an army to fight to get it.