Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Karma's Quote of the Day

From a sign at work

To achieve inner peace we must finish what we start. . ..

Today I finished two bags of chips, three bottles of soda, and a box of chocolate.

I feel better already


M. Steve Heartsill said...

Karma...the sign didn't say that was the way to inner heartburn...

Karma Shuford said...


Bill (cycleguy) said...

That would a sing of inner something but I am not thinking peace. More like inner rumbling or inner tube. But mine must say a bag of sea salt & cracked pepper chips, Diet Dr. Pepper and a big heaping bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream topped with chocolate. Then a bike ride if I can get my leg over the bike. :)

Bill (cycleguy) said...

oops "would be a sign of"

M. Steve Heartsill said...

Karma...either you are using an old picture of yourself (kind of like when people die at the age of 79 and the family puts a picture of them when they were 15 in their obit)...or you really don't eat like you claim!

Karma Shuford said...

That picture was taken a year or so ago by Bernard. I can look sorta like that if I put make up on and stuff. And, it's from the shoulders down that my eating habits become apparent. :)