Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Naivete is Showing, Again

I came across this article a few minutes ago.

Aside from trans/cross-gendered situations (which, admittedly, I don't know a whole lot about), shouldn't they be able to tell by looking? I mean, parts are parts, right?



Tony said...

That Boylan lady is off the beam crazy. I think this doesn't represent nearly as much about gender issues as it does the manipulative tactics some will degenerate to for Olympic notoriety. I'm thinking Juwanna Mann.

Bill (cycleguy) said...

Welcome to the steroid generation where men are blown up men and women look like men. Take a look at many of the female (Chinese) gymnasts to see the product of "genetic manipulation."

M. Steve Heartsill said...

I have to be honest...some of those "women" from some European countries look more like men than I do...with a full beard!

I'm just glad they shave before the events!

Michael said...

I have to admit that these Olympics have been somewhat of a disappointment. They are suppose to be about fair play, sportsmanship, and competition. We have seen some VERY young looking Chinese athletes, some unsportsmanlike conduct from several athletes and teams, and who knows how many of them are doping or cheating in other ways.