Tuesday, July 01, 2008


That is my word for today, or better put, the word that describes how I feel.

It is not an entirely unfamiliar feeling, as I seem to do this periodically. (No, Bernard, not THAT periodically).

It's kinda like having on underwear two sizes too small, forgetting to brush your teeth, realizing you don't have deodorant on, seeing ants in the kitchen (again), cleaning up yet another spill, getting made fun of or criticized for something you tried in earnest to do, and not being able to find your keys (or realizing you locked them in your car) all rolled into one.

Just for clarity, not all of those things are going on in my life right now, but the feeling is the same.

I tend to feel like this when I get overwhelmed or am unsure how to go about a situation.

The trick is figuring out what I feel overwhelmed about or unsure of. :/

1 comment:

dterryphotography said...

So THAT's what discombulate means! ;-)

I enjoyed looking through your blog. Especially the air show, but even the wedding pics (even if you try to not pass yourself off as a wedding photographer).

Thanks for posting your blog on DPC... gotcha hooked up to my reader. I'll be back! :-)