Monday, July 14, 2008

Is This Witnessing?

From the International Mission Board
ZIMBABWE. Baptists in Zimbabwe are being blessed abundantly by donations from the United States through the newly formed Baptist Global Response (BGR). BGR has provided more than 100 tons of food in the form of food boxes delivered to destitute families. The boxes include staple items that could be purchased for approximately $25 U.S., but it would take more than a year’s salary for most Zimbabweans to purchase these items--if they were available in the grocery stores! One woman wept as she opened her box, “I was praying this morning, asking God what to do because I have no food to eat. Then you brought this food to me. I know God really does care about me.” An elderly man, not a Baptist, who has been surviving on one bowl of porridge a day, was overcome and could not speak for quite some time after getting his box. Everywhere people are saying that Baptists don’t just talk about God’s love, they give it away! BGR has also purchased more than $40,000 worth of essential medicines for the Sanyati Baptist Hospital and is currently working on re-vamping the hospital’s water system. Another project on the drawing board is to distribute school supplies to 25,000 needy students along with book covers imprinted with evangelistic stories and Scriptures, as well as the plan of salvation. Pray that as Baptists in Zimbabwe continue to provide for the needs of the people, many will be open to hearing the gospel, and ask that Baptists will be able to meet spiritual needs as well.

Or is this --

A church decides to spread the gospel, so they invest in a variety of gospel tracts covering everything from the return of Christ, to which Bible translation is the most spiritual, to how to get saved. They then "blitz" the community with them. They then leave them in books in the library, on shelves in the grocery store, as a tip when they eat out, in public restrooms, and even on the windshields of cars in parking lots. The church's name and phone number is clearly printed on the back.

Are both of them witnessing?

Are neither of them?

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